No that's not an alien planet, it's man's latest enemy
the Coronavirus. Here are some suggestions to consider in treating or dealing with the
Cornavirus or
Covid-19 virus.
Never, never underestimate a new disease, there’s just too much unknown.
First I suggest you learn more about the 1918 influenza epidemic, videos are on YouTube also. You will instantly see that face masks were almost worthless in the prevention of the
user catching the virus.
It was most useful for the person who had the virus in prevention of infecting others as it reduced spreading by cough or sneezing. The USA has been slow to learn from past mistakes in controlling a pandemic virus. Cremation and mass graves became the only viable solutions in dealing with the number of dead. If you have not stopped and talked as a family as how you will respond should a family member or friend becomes infected, do so now.
CARING FOR YOURSELF AT HOME. Learn how to properly apply and use disinfectants. They take time to work, its not just "an apply and walk away" solution. Many require the surface to remain wet for up to 3 minutes to be effective. Treat all surfaces you touch as if they are covered with crap, which includes escalators handrails and elevator buttons and door knobs/handles and public computer terminal keyboards. Don't share cell phones or drinks. Don't touch any part of your or anyone's body where it is wet or moist without washing hands. Wash your

hands often with soap. Consider gloves. Treat snotty tissues as bombs get rid of them don't let them pile up.
If you have not been tested wear a mask. If
you are unlucky and catch the virus don't spread it, seek medical advice, stay home take care of yourself and inform others. use toilet cleansing tablets to help keep commodes clean.
Take a break from dating for a short while. Rethink key events such as birthday parties, marriage ceremonies, funerals, and family gatherings as a whole. Don't be the person who wipes out your entire family-tree. Now is the time to learn Skype. Sit with one empty chair between you and another at any event or bar you attend. Symptoms do not appear till 6+ days after exposure.
The CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died
(2018-2019 Flu Season Was the Longest in 10 Years, CDC Says | Time Jun 20, 2019)
What kills most people with the Coronavirus and other viruses is
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Consider Lasix or another diuretic for fluid buildup.
(ARDS). ARDS is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by acute inflammation, microvascular damage, and increased pulmonary vascular and epithelial permeability, frequently resulting in acute respiratory failure and death.
If you catch the virus, consider not sleeping in a bed or at least not flat. Sleeping in an adjustable bed or recliner may save your life due to the fluid build-up in your lungs. When you are sleeping and not receiving full breaths your blood oxygen level falls, and it could fall to a level where you pass out and would be unable to call for help. Which brings me to my next recommendation get a google home unit or an Alexa unit, this serves many purposes to the bed-bound or invalid person when sick. Reducing your daily fluid intake is something to consider . Reduce soda and sweet drinks as best you can . Consider the use of oxygen if repository problems are present. Increase your overall nutrient intake, especially vitamin D, C and B12. Increase your Zinc intake levels to at least 50mg per day. These vitamins will not prevent the virus, but should help afterwards. When in doubt get tested.
Prevention is cheaper than the treatment. The
Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which covers testing costs going forward, but it doesn’t do anything to address the cost of treatment.
Forget about traveling anywhere, besides when you get there is no place to stay, eat at, or take-in any event. Its not worth your life or others to see any city or tourist location. Teach your children about cleanliness and how diseases spread.
W.h.o. does not recommend taking ibuprofen instead take a tylenol type product. Then that
information changed. The final
word on this interaction is unknown, My thoughts are why take the chance this is an emerging science.
Because the virus is not alive in the normal understanding of that word, as it is more of a protein RNA existence there is nothing to Kill so no product can be used to "kill" it. Instead the goal is more toward washing away the bastard and stopping the spread.Washing down surfaces and zones may be a better approach.
The recommendations herein are just my personal beliefs and things I have learned in life. Use or ignore as you see fit.
Support this site in calling for declaring February 7th national Cornavirus remembrance day for those infected or who died from the Cornavirus especially Dr.
Li Wenliang who tried to warn the world.
Support this site in calling for the color Lime Green as the international color for Cornavirus or warning thereof.
COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.
Get the latest public health information from CDC: .
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