Food and nutrition
We live in an age where much of the nutritional value of our food is lost, due to transporting, processing, and preparing conditions. Foods grown today are not as mineral rich as they once were due to over farmed soil. In addition, chemicals, additives and preservatives impact the wholesomeness of the foods we consume. Did you know that High Fructose Corn Syrup interferes with the absorption of copper (Turnlund, 1999)? By including in our diet a good quality vitamin/mineral supplement and by improving the quality and kinds of foods we eat, we can remedy this condition.
Today, if optimal health is one of our goals, even if we follow an optimal diet, a high quality vitamin-mineral supplement is no longer an option. It is an essential addition to our meals. Moderate exercise whether it be of choice or by physical exertion can address the sedentary modern life. The reduction of weight into a more manageable zone reduces stress on our bodies and prolongs our lives.
After scouring various books, scientific studies, various nations RDA's and RDI's (Recommended Daily Amounts and Recommended Dietary Intake), medical doctor recommendations, and other health related sources, I have compiled the following daily nutrient table as to the best balance of all (In my opinion).