
Increasing fertility with vitamins

It's all about preparation. You have set the mood, checked your ovulation calender  scheduled the rondevu, put the dog out, unplugged the phone, checked your temperature had your "partner" wear boxes for the last month, studied the best positions and are ready to go.  Did you forget anything?

Yes. Did you check that you have ensured the basic building blocks of life in your body are in full strength? Your body is a machine and like most machines it needs what it needs to work. That means good nutrient and plenty of vitamins, minerals and water. You are in the production business now (preconception) and you need the raw materials to make life.  Miss a few, and the results will be effected or unsuccessful.

What vitamins help fertility or improve pregnancy?

There are countless studies on the role vitamins and minerals play in fertility.  Major studies were done after World War II on the effects of vitamin deficiencies related to birth defects.  This continues to be the main focus of most studies. Sadly, this approach is an "after the fact" approach.  The damage is done, game over.

So what have we learned from these birth defect or prenatal studies? Plenty. There is a growing understanding that the human body when proper elemental levels of vitamins and minerals are short will produce offspring with defects. Preconception nutrition is very important. Equally, there is an understanding that fertility can also be effected by these same shortcomings. Be it male or female, the body and its underpinning processes will be effected by both shortage and abundance of these elements.

Here's the top vitamins and minerals that can attribute to higher rates of fertility and pregnancy (not in any order).

  1. Zinc (40mg/daily)
  2. Vitamin B12 (50mg/daily)
  3. Vitamin B6 (50mg/daily)
  4. Folate/Folic Acid (1000 mcg/daily)
  5. Vitamin E (500mg/dialy)
  6. Iron (15mg/daily)
  7. Vitamin C (1000mg/daily)
  8. Vitamin D (4000 IU/daily)
  9. Selenium (100mg/daily)
  10. Calcium (1000mg/daily) avoid excessive amounts
Tips to increase the odds in getting pregnant.

  1. Avoid alcohol, drugs (including aspirin) and cigarettes. Reduce caffeine intake.
  2. Restore hormonal balance
  3. Don't use lubricants (KY jelly, etc.)
  4. Extend foreplay
  5. Hold the semen in. Don't just get up.
  6. Track your menses cycle
  7. Lose weight. Goal is about BMI of 21 for females in general
  8. Increase protein intake
  9. Don't douche, but keep it clean down there, avoiding bacteria.
  10. Keep it cooler down there. Sleep without garments, wear air penetrating undergarments. Avoid hot baths.
  11. Light exercise such short walks, nothing extensive
  12. Medical testing should be explored if indicated.

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