
Vitamin D Deficiency | About Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has become an unrecognized epidemic.  Rickets a disease from vitamin D deficiency afflicting children is making a comeback. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with numerous serious diseases and health problems. Dark skinned individuals are twice as likely as lighter skinned individuals to be vitamin D deficient.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in your body fat. The history of Vitamin D can be found here.

Benefits of Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D is essential for the absorption and use of calcium in our bodies. 
  • Adults who consume 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily might lower their risks of colon, breast and ovarian cancers by up to 50%.
  • Children whose mothers get plenty of vitamin D during pregnancy have bigger, stronger bones at age 9. In fact, maternal vitamin D matters more than all the milk children drink in those first nine years.
How do you get Vitamin D?

Salt Water Colon Flush With Recipe

The flush is phase two of The Master Cleanse Diet.  The salt water flush is a great colon cleanser.  It's one of the safest homemade colon cleanse.  The salt water’s salinity is the same as the body’s salinity, so none of the water gets absorbed into the body. It just passes right through you and out through your colon. Because of the amount of salt consumed, if you have high blood pressure you should ask your doctor before trying. 

Mix 1 Liter (32 oz.) of warm water with 2 level teaspoons of unrefined sea salt.  WARNING: do not confuse teaspoons with tablespoon measurements. Shake or stir the salt water flush well, then drink the entire container of salted water. It might be hard to down, but can be done in a few minutes.
While waiting for the bowel movement, try your best to avoid releasing “gas,” especially if you are in the office or in a place far away from home. Otherwise, you will find yourself embarrassed and looking for the nearest toilet.  It is recommended to wait about 30 minutes after drinking the salt water before going to the bathroom.

Liver Detox, Dieting and Weight Loss

Healthy looking liver
Toxins are broken down by the liver for elimination from the body. Every drug, toxic chemical, pesticide or hormone is metabolized by the enzymes pathways inside the liver cells.

Fat-soluble toxins are attracted to fat cells in which they can be stored for years or a lifetime. These toxins can be released when you exercise, stress or start fasting as the fat cells are broken down. This can be accompanied by headaches, stomach pain, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and heart palpitations. Fatty liver disease, also known as NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), is on the rise and often accompanys persons overweight.

Today, nearly 100 million Americans have a NASH liver, the most common form of liver disease, many not knowing it.  Nearly one third of children (over age 5) and teens are overweight in the USA and could develop fatty liver disease. Many will need a liver transplant by their 30s or 40s. In Canada, childhood obesity and fatty liver disease are also on the rise.  Diets that are rich in unsaturated fats, cholesterol, and sugars (fructose and sucrose) and low in vitamins C and E  are known to cause NASH.